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Q. When and where is EuroPython 2024 taking place?

A. EuroPython 2024 will be held on 8-14 July 2024. Put the dates in your diary!

The conference will be held at The Prague Congress Centre, the PCC in Prague, Czech Republic.

  • For the virtual conference & the sprints weekend (13-14 July), details will be announced at a later time.

If you have any questions, you are welcome to reach out to the team at

Q. What will the schedule look like?

A. The conference will be organised in three phases:

  1. Monday & Tuesday (08.07 & 09.07): workshops and tutorials
  2. Wednesday - Friday (10.07 - 12.07): main conference days
  3. Saturday & Sunday (13.07 & 14.07): sprint days

Q. What will the programme look like?

A. The conference will feature around 20 hands-on tutorials & workshops, 120 talks and other interactive sessions. We aim to have a very diverse programme, covering the many different aspects of where and how Python solves problems or engages in interesting things.

To get an idea of what to expect, have a look at the list of sessions .

We are always keen to hear new ideas on how to enrich the programme and other activities you are interested in participating during the conference. Share your thoughts with the programme team at

Q. When do you accept talk proposals?

A. The Call for Proposals (CFP) was running between 14 February - 13 March 2024. We are thrilled to have received more than 600 proposals on a wide range of topics. This record-breaking number of proposals reflected the great width of interests of our community. We are also proud to have provided support to first-time speakers via our Speaker Mentorship Programme.

Q. How do you review and select talks?

A. After Call for Proposals (CFP) finished, submissions went through two rounds of review and refinement as we put together our programme. You can find the details about our selection process here.

Q. What support do you give to speakers?

A. Accepted speakers are eligible for a free Ticket; more details about the ticket types that speakers are eligible for will be announced soon. In addition, speakers are encouraged to apply for additional Financial Aid, should there be a need.

We give support to first-time speakers and actively encourage, accommodate and welcome the participation of those from under-represented groups in tech. Check out our Speaker Mentorship Programme for details.

Email us at to tell us what other speaker support you might need!

Q. How can I become a sponsor?

A. For more details on sponsoring EuroPython 2024, please check our Sponsor page (Early Bird 10% discount ends on 15th of April) or reach out to the sponsors team directly.

Q. When do ticket sales start and what are the ticket prices like?

A. Tickets are on sale now! We have put a lot of work in keeping the ticket prices affordable. Check out our tickets page for details.

We encourage and trust you to pick a fair ticket tier that fits your personal circumstance. The money you spend will be put straight back to the community to support our diversity initiatives, Financial Aid Programme and other grants offered to the European Python community.

Q. Is there a Financial Aid Programme for EuroPython 2024?

A. Yes, in-person participation applications for our Financial Aid Programme is open until 19 May 2024. If you need help to attend the conference, you are most welcome to apply.

Q. When can sponsors start signing up?

A: The 2024 packages are not finalised yet. Although, more details will be announced soon!

Sponsors who sign up early will again receive a 10% discount.

We are committed to making EuroPython sponsorship accessible to most organisations keen to help the community. If you are interested in supporting EuroPython 2024, get in touch with our sponsors team at

Q. How can I help you with the conference organisation?

A. The EuroPython conference is entirely run by volunteers and we always need some extra help. Our call for contributors was runnning until the 12th of February 2024 and we are excited that so many people offered to help! Of course, as the conference gets closer we will need more help, so stay tuned for new announcements!

Q. Could you provide a visa support letter for my visa application?

A. Yes. We have a dedicated Visa Information Page with details on how to obtain the support letter. Please refer to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic for information, including the application process for a Schengen visa for the purpose of β€œbusiness” when attending a conference.

COVID Related Questions

Please bear in mind that the information in this section can change at any time and without warning. We will aim to provide updates whenever there is a change.

Q: Will there be any COVID safety precautions at the venue?

A: We will follow the guidelines of the government of the Czech Republic and there will be appropriate safety precautions at the venue. As of 09 April 2022, special measures related to COVID have been lifted and entry into the Czech Republic is no longer subject to any special epidemiological conditions.

We expect attendees to be mindful of health and considerate to others during the event. This includes having up-to-date vaccinations, and observing all reasonable precautions to protect yourself and those around us. Although you are not legally required to wear a mask, we strongly recommend and encourage that you do, whenever possible.