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C API Summit

Conference Workshop
Club D
09:30 on 08 July 2024
360 minutes


The C API has many different stakeholders, including but not limited to CPython core developers, maintainers of Python extensions, code generators (Cython, pybindy11, etc) and alternative API design (HPy).

The main goal of this summit is to make sure that people from all these different projects can meet and discuss about the state of the C API, existing challenges and ongoing work.

The speakers

Antonio Cuni

Antonio Cuni

Dr. Antonio Cuni is a Principal Software Engineer at Anaconda. He is the author of SPy, a core developer of PyScript and PyPy, and one of the founders of the HPy project, which aims to design a better and more modern C API for Python. He loves to write tools from developers for developers, such as Pdb++, fancycompleter and vmprof and he is creator/maintainer/contributor of numerous other open source projects. He have also been very active in the Python community for years, giving talks at various conferences such as EuroPython, EuroSciPy, PyCon Italia, and many others. He regularly writes on the PyPy blog and on the HPy blog. His main areas of interest are compilers, language implementation, TDD and performance.