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EuroPython 2024 Sprints

EuroPython 2024 Sprints will be during the weekend 13-14 July. This year, we are hosting the sprint weekend at a different venue and it will be free for anyone to join!

As per our tradition, the conference organisers will provide the rooms and facilities but the sprints are organised by YOU. It is a great chance to contribute to open-source projects large and small, learn from each other, geek out and have fun. 🐍

Lunch and coffee will be provided.

When: 13-14 July 2024 (09:30 - 17:00)

Where: Rajska Building (RB), Žižkov Campus, VŠE (Prague University of Economics and Business)

  • sprint rooms - all on the 1st floor of RB
  • chillout area: the atrium on the ground floor of RB

Who can attend:

  • If you have an in-person EuroPython ticket (Conference, Tutorial or Combined), then access to the sprints is already included. Remember to select your sprints attendance when buying / configuring your ticket, to let the organisers know.
  • If you do not have an in-person conference ticket, you can register to join the sprints for free. Registration information will be announced soon here.

Location of the sprints venue

The Rajska Building (RB), Žižkov Campus, VŠE (Prague University of Economics and Business) is the home of our sprints again this year.

nám. Winstona Churchilla 1938
130 00 Praha 3-Žižkov, Czechia

You can use the Žižkov Campus Map, VŠE (PDF) to help guide you. The entrance to the building can be recognised by the inscription “Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze” above it.

How to get there?

  • By bus: The nearest bus stop is Náměstí Winstona Churcilla (line 135) or Viktoria Žižkov (lines 101, 123, 135, 175, 176). If you disembark at Náměstí Winstona Churchilla, the entrance is directly across from the stop on Italská Street.
  • By tram: Viktoria Žižkov station (lines 26, 5, 9) is a 5-10 minute walk. Proceed along Seifertová Street, pass through the park (Pomník Winstona Churchilla on Google Maps), then reach Italská Street. A short uphill walk of about one to two minutes, and the entrance will be on your left.
  • By metro: Start from Hlavní Nádraží station (C line). After exiting the metro, ascend to the first floor (not the ground level) and turn left, following signs for the North platform (in Czech: Sever). Continue through the tunnel, ascend the escalators, and climb another set of stairs. You’ll then find yourself on Italská Street, facing a large building - that’s the VŠE building. Proceed uphill on Italská for a minute or two, and you’ll see the entrance right there.
A photo pointing up the hill to the VSE building with our entrance. A photo displaying the entrance to use to go to the sprints.

What is a “Sprint” ?

“Sprints”, or “hackathons”, are a form of impromptu coding meetups where anyone interested in a project can come together for a short period of time to make quick progress, share knowledge and ideas, and solve problems together. The two-day sprint is the perfect way to end the full-week EuroPython conference, giving you a hands-on experience to solidify what you have learned and bond over the love for coding, making and problem solving.

a photo collection of previous years' sprints

Organising a Sprint

Sprint rooms: we will have 11 rooms in total for the sprints, all of which are on the 1st floor of the Rajska Building (RB) of VŠE. Check out the room layout for details. The rooms 103-107 and 112-116 each have the capacity for 24 and look like this (img). Room 109 has capacity for 48 and looks like this (img).

Note: As each room might have the capacity to host multiple sprints, it is recommended that sprint organisers prioritise proposing their sprints in already designated rooms that have sufficient space to accommodate the expected number of participants.

  • RB 103; occupancy: 0/24
  • RB 104; occupancy: 0/24
  • RB 105; occupancy: 0/24
  • RB 106; occupancy: 0/24
  • RB 107; occupancy: 0/24
  • RB 112; occupancy: 0/24
  • RB 113; occupancy: 0/24
  • RB 114; occupancy: 0/24
  • RB 115; occupancy: 0/24
  • RB 116; occupancy: 0/24
  • RB 109; occupancy: 0/48

If you are planning to run a sprint at EuroPython 2024, please add it at the bottom of this page creating a pull request to our website:

  1. Make sure your sprint is about an open source project.
  2. Copy the template at the bottom of the sprint list.
  3. Fill the template with your details.
  4. Make sure that you link to a public repository of the project.
  5. Add your sprint at the end of the list.
  6. Update the room occupancy in the list above. (If this is your first time organising a sprint, be mindful of how many people you can accommodate.)

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us at

Once accepted and published, remember to announce it on the social channels too (#EuroPython2024) and tag us @EuroPython (twitter, LinkedIn and mastodon)!

2024 Sprints listings

Please add your sprint here!

Organise Europython 2049 (copy this example template for your project)

  • Number of people: 10 (8 contributors + 2 organisers)
  • Room: RB 000
  • Python Level: any
  • Contact person: Foo Bar
  • Links: