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Carol Willing

Carol Willing


I am a globally recognized expert in Python development and open source software. As a board advisor and consultant, I guide early-stage organizations, and leadership teams in the complexities of open source governance, data science, AI, cloud, and Machine Learning. I am a core Python developer, three-time Python steering member, and Project Jupyter core contributor.

My contributions to science, open source, and technology are felt far and wide: I have transformed the way students learn with Jupyter notebooks; I’ve contributed and shared to countless open source projects such as and CPython; I’ve advised many organizations in open source governance including Quansight Labs, CZI Open Source, and PyOpenSci. I am the recipient of the ACM Software System Award (2017) and the Frank Willison Award for technical and community contributions to Python (2019). I’m a co-organizer of PyLadies San Diego and San Diego Python User Group.

Throughout my career, I’ve built a reputation for embracing opportunity, scaling knowledge through the power of community, and approaching every challenge with curiosity, empathy, and kindness. I have a track record of building high-performance teams, helping organizations grasp the complexities of cloud-native environments, and influencing others through mentorship. I believe in the power of sharing, in the power of community. I also believe that through science and technology and art, we can discover more about who we are as humans. I’m deeply committed to sharing my knowledge with others through stories that make the world of technology and science accessible and relatable—through five-minute mentor moments to a keynote on a global stage.

When I am not coding or deep in research on data, AI, or cognitive science, you can find me in my Southern California garden, surrounded by succulents, restoring an old guitar, or building blinky wearables.

More about the speaker

Willing Consulting
